The statues also illustrate the somewhat abstract process of Romanization, i.e. the gradual adaptation of the local population to Roman customs and customs. Graves with figurative representations of the deceased were alien to the local Celtic culture, the custom only came to the Rhine with the conquerors from Italy. The clothing and jewelery of the two female grave statues are still predominantly influenced by the costumes of the local population. They probably came from the region, possibly even from today's Rheinhessen. However, both female figures also wear a palla, the typical long outer garment of Roman women. To a certain extent, this mixed costume marks the transition from the formerly Celtic to a Gallo-Roman society. The male statue, on the other hand, the so-called togatus, appears thoroughly "Roman". He wears the eponymous toga with which he presents himself as a citizen of the Roman Empire. Overall, the Roman grave figures from Ingelheim are a snapshot in a process that lasted many decades.