Uffhofener La Roche
Stilisierte Karte von Rheinhessen

Uffhofener La Roche

Also known as:
Flonheimer La Roche

The only vineyard with a French name

Hard to believe, but true: This single vineyard is the only one with a French name. It was owned by the Huguenot family La Roche from Erbes-Büdesheim. The dialect spoken in Rheinhessen actually used many French words. In the center of the single vineyard: one of the most famous landmarks of Rheinhessen, the trullo at the Geistermühle. A small, whitewashed round building. There are two of them in Flonheim alone. They are unique for the Rheinhessen region. Rieslings and Pinot Noirs of great renown grow here on red clay and sandstone.

> Info about the Trulli: https://www.rheinhessen.de/rheinhessen-trullo

> French words in Rheinhessen: for example Määr (French maire) for mayor or Schåndarm (French gendarme) for policeman. See: http://post.gabsm.de/mundarten_in_rheinhessen.pdf

> Top 10 viewpoints on hiking trails: https://blog.rheinhessen.de/10-schoensten-aussichten-wanderwegen-rheinhessen/
> Uffhofen belongs to the municipality of Flonheim with very good tourist infrastructure: https://www.flonheim.de/tourismus-kultur/infothek-ortsmuseum.html

Uffhofener La Roche
Uffhofener La Roche
Uffhofener La Roche
Uffhofener La Roche
Uffhofener La Roche
Uffhofener La Roche
Uffhofener La Roche
Uffhofener La Roche
Uffhofener La Roche
Uffhofener La Roche

facts and figures

Vineyard: 26 hectare Community: Flonheim Sea level: 100-215 m Exposure: East, Southeast
simple vineyard side:
La Roche

soil types

Rotliegend / Rigosol

Red clay rigosol

Calcareous clay and fine sand deposits in the desert landscape of the top layer of red soil

Shallow to medium depth, lime-rich, stony, clayey loam soil, low storage capacity for soil water available to plants, calcareous, good heatability, moderate rootability

Herbal, delicately spicy, almost floral notes, mineral components, pronounced fruit aromas: peach, apricot, honeydew melon. Lively acidity, multifaceted, often very closed in youth, longevity

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Explore the area

selection-wg-galle1427, © GutGallé

Winery Klaus Gallé

Winery Klaus Gallé
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Dexheimer winery

In 2017 the twins Christine and Stefan took over the family winery. They picked the raisins from the 10 hectares of vineyards that belong to the Dexheimer winery. The current selection grows on the remaining 4ha. The focus is on the Burgundy varieties and Riesling.

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Trautwein Winzerhotel

Trautwein - Das Winzerhotel am LaRoche


Nice that you have found your way to us! Look forward to 12 cozy country house rooms in the middle of the Flonheim vineyards! Located in the best vineyard location of Flonheim, on La Roche, you can look at the “Rheinhessen Tuscany” for kilometers during the varied, wholesome and purely vegetable breakfast, let your mind wander and come to rest. During the day you can hike one of the eventful "Hiwwelttours "and in the evening our diverse, vegetable cuisine sweetened the exciting wine tasting with Rheinhessen specialties.


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Flonheimer Trullo am Adelberg

Trullo auf dem Adelberg

A special feature among the vineyard cottages, which served as shelters for farmers and winegrowers throughout Rheinhessen, are the trulli. Like white sugar loaves, they shine between the rows of vines. Three of them can be found in the region around Flonheim. The name comes from the roundhouses that are mainly found in Apulia/Italy. In our region they were built in the 18th century as shelters in the vineyards, although there is no historical evidence as to whether the round houses from Puglia served as a model or not. One of the most beautiful trulli stands in Flonheim on the Adelberg. You can reach it on foot via the "Hiwweltour Aulheimer Tal", a beautiful round walk with beautiful views and resting places, one of them - with tables and benches - directly at the trullo. Should bad weather come up, you will still find a safe shelter in the Trullo.

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