On the historical tours through our districts, you will walk past the most beautiful sights and squares. This way you can explore the history of Ingelheim on your own and discover charming nooks & crannies.

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Contact details:

Tourist-Information im Winzerkeller

Binger Straße 16

55218 Ingelheim am Rhein

Tel: (0049) 6132 710 009 200
E-Mail: touristinformation@ikum-ingelheim.de
Internet: www.ingelheim-erleben.de

Contact details:

Tourist-Information im Winzerkeller

Binger Straße 16

55218 Ingelheim am Rhein

Tel: (0049) 6132 710 009 200
E-Mail: touristinformation@ikum-ingelheim.de
Internet: www.ingelheim-erleben.de