Attractive combined offer for cultural events

The IBB Hotel Ingelheim is offering guests interested in culture an attractive combined offer in conjunction with a visit to a cultural event organised by Ingelheimer Kultur und Marketing GmbH (IkUM).

The hotel in the centre of Ingelheim will grant all guests who have purchased a ticket for a cultural event in the kING (Kultur- und Kongresshalle Ingelheim), the Ingelheimer Winzerkeller, the Vinothek or for an open-air event in Ingelheim a discount of ten percent on their overnight stay on request and subject to availability. Guests simply need to present their event ticket when checking in.

Tickets for IkUM events are available at, at the Ingelheim Tourist Information Centre (Binger Straße 16) and at all Ticket Regional advance booking offices.

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Contact details:

Tourist-Information im Winzerkeller

Binger Straße 16

55218 Ingelheim am Rhein

Tel: (0049) 6132 710 009 200
E-Mail: touristinformation(at)

Contact details:

Tourist-Information im Winzerkeller

Binger Straße 16

55218 Ingelheim am Rhein

Tel: (0049) 6132 710 009 200
E-Mail: touristinformation(at)