You will discover typical Rheinhessen charm in the local communities of the municipality of Gau-Algesheim. Historic old towns and beautiful market squares characterise the townscape and offer plenty of romantic nooks and crannies. There are plenty of typical regional specialities to discover here and bring Germany's largest wine region to life.

Rheinhessisches Fahrradmuseum


Rhinehessen Bicycle Museum

"With us, you can even spin the wheel" In keeping with this motto, you can not only learn about the historical development of the bicycle, but also try out selected bicycles. Exhibits from all eras and interesting facts about the bicycle since the beginning of cycling history in 1817 make your visit to the Rheinhessen Bicycle Museum a unique experience. We also offer annually changing special exhibitions on the subject of bicycles. The Rheinhessen Bicycle Museum is barrier-free. Admission is free. Guided tours outside opening…

Cosmas und Damian


Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Cosmas u. Damian

Its tower, over 30m high, towers over Gau-Algesheim and provides orientation. The parish church of St. Cosmas and Damian was consecrated in 1889. The church was built on the foundations of the medieval predecessor. Only the present nave and the tower up to the first storey were preserved and extended. On the outside, a peculiar flat passage leads under the choir, the arches of which bear the stonemason's mark of Johann von Diepach. Liebfrauenland - Gothic in Rheinhessen



Marktplatz Gau-Algesheim

The centre of the small town of Gau-Algesheim is without a doubt the historic market square. The square is framed by the baroque town hall, the church of St. Cosmas and Damian and the numerous historic buildings. With its pavement laid in a scaled arch, it is reminiscent of an Italian piazza. This flair is further emphasised by the fountain made of Italian marble in the shape of a Roman drinking vessel.

Schutzhütte GAGA


Schutzhütte GAGA

The refuge was named GAGA by the Avenarius brothers from Gau-Algesheim  ( G ebr. A venarius G au- A lgesheim), who founded a chemical factory in the village in 1869. The hut is located on Richardshöhe, a prominent vantage point on the western slope of the Westerberg with a view of the Rhine and Nahe rivers.

Johannisberger Türmchen


Johannisberger Türmchen

The vantage point Johannisberger Türmchen on the hiking trail "Rabenschule" between Gau-Algesheim and Jackobsberg Monastery offers fascination in its purest form with its far-reaching view. The rustling of the vine leaves in the wind and the singing of the birds at the Johannisberger Türmchen accompany the view of the Rhine valley, the Rheingau, the Niederwald Monument, the Rochusberg near Bingen and, in good weather, as far as the Taunus.



Naturdenkmal Rosskastanie Ockenheim

The horse chestnut tree in the Ockenheim cemetery is now over 370 years old. Probably planted in 1648, the chestnut has a trunk circumference of 5m and a crown diameter of 25m. The Ockenheim chestnut is the oldest horse chestnut in Rheinhessen and probably one of the oldest chestnuts in Germany.



Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Peter und Paul

The Catholic parish church of St. Peter and Paul was begun in 1774. Its predecessor, a 15th century Marian chapel, was demolished and the existing stones used for the new building. The new parish church was consecrated in 1779. The single-nave building is divided by pilasters. A mighty gable façade rises above the main portal. The church tower rises above the choir, with a five-sided choir end. The interior of the church is baroque. The abundance of holy figures and the baroque high altar make the Ockenheim parish church a unique…



Balkon Rheinhessen Ockenheim

This beautiful vantage point is located on the edge of our municipality. The 3km long hiking trail "2Balkon Rheinhessen" leads to the platform with the peace cross. From here, in good weather, you can see the Donnersberg to the southwest and the Taunus Mountains to the east. In between lies the mouth of the Nahe into the Rhine and the beautiful Rhine valley.

Wohnzimmer 1900


Heimatmuseum Ockenheim

Immerse yourself in the time around 1900. Experience first hand how people lived at that time in an authentically furnished flat. The highlight: you can touch everything here. Look in the cupboards and drawers and discover things that might still be hiding in your drawers and cupboards today. In a flat from the 1950s, you can experience how your parents or grandparents lived. Here, too, everything is hands-on. You can also write on old school desks with a slate and stylus and do maths with an abacus. The local history museum in…

Brunnen Schwabenheim

Schwabenheim an der Selz

Marktplatz Schwabenheim an der Selz

Schwabenheim an der Selz is home to the largest market square in Rheinhessen. The market square is framed by many historic buildings. Near the Protestant church, opposite the town hall, there is a cast-iron fountain with a small naked egg at its top. This is affectionately known in Schwabenheim as little "Paulchen". The cast-iron construction is unique for Rheinhessen and is a work of industrialisation that made it possible to produce such objects in series. The varied gastronomy on the market square in Schwabenheim makes the square a…

Contact details:

Tourist-Info der Verbandsgemeinde

Langgasse 4

55435 Gau-Algesheim

Tel: 06725 910185

Contact details:

Tourist-Info der Verbandsgemeinde

Langgasse 4

55435 Gau-Algesheim

Tel: 06725 910185