A church dedicated to St. Martin is mentioned in a Fulda document as early as 788. At that time, the church was owned by the Otakar noble family who lived here. In 1348, it belonged to the parish of Wackernheim as a parish church. In the middle of the 16th century, at the instigation of the Palatine Electors, first the Lutheran and then the Reformed confession was introduced. When the church was divided, the church, which had been badly damaged in the Thirty Years' War, fell to the Reformed, who made up the majority of the inhabitants. The present church with its two-storey ridge turret was built on the foundation walls of the previous building between 1752 and 1756. The Mainz cathedral provostry, as tithe lord, was obliged to contribute to the building costs. The gallery is still preserved from the interior furnishings of the time. In 1838, the staircase in Kirchstraße was built to facilitate access to the elevated church.

The high churchyard wall in the north replaced the previously unfortified clay wall from 1856. Incidentally, the Protestant bell was also used for the so-called "police ringing" at 4 am, 11 am and 1 pm. For this, the bell ringer was paid from the parish treasury. The community also paid for the bell ropes.

St Martin's Protestant Church