The former estate had belonged to the family of the Wackernheim mayor Heinrich Klippel since the beginning of the 19th century. By marriage, the property passed to Heinrich Krebs, who came from the Heidesheim sand mill. In the 1860s, he housed and provided for the community bull. The keeping of the so-called "Faselochsen" (breeding bull) was clearly regulated and supervised by the district office of Bingen. The tenant had to purchase the bull at his own expense. The municipality paid a fixed amount annually for the maintenance of the animal. The lease was concluded for 5 years. After the death of the heir Otto Krebs in 1892, the municipality acquired the property and housed the school and the teacher's flat in it. In 1914, the municipality had the bull pen for the municipality's oxen built in an outbuilding. The cows and the bull were brought together in the adjoining jumping hall. The cross-vaulted stable, where boars and billy goats were also kept, is now part of the village community centre.

By the way: Mayor Heinrich Klippel was the highest taxed citizen in Wackernheim in 1841. In 1867, the estate was the best equipped in the whole village with nine living rooms. In 1871, three farmhands and two maids lived and worked on the farm.

Village community centre