Wo kam das Wasser für Kaiser Karl her?

on 04.09.2024 at 18:00 o'clock

Where did the water come from for Emperor Karl?

The Carolingian water pipeline to supply the Imperial Palace in Ingelheim ran through the middle of Wackernheim. But where did the water come from? A short hike to the Karlsquelle solves the puzzle.

MEETING POINT: Village square/Bornstraße, 55263 Wackernheim
COST: €12.00/person. including 2 glasses of wine and a pretzel
REGISTRATION/CONTACT: Wolfgang Thomas, Tel. 06132 953315, wolfgang.thomas@kwb-rheinhessen.de, Herbert Brouwers, Tel. 06132 712669

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Dates for this event

  • On 04.09.2024 at 18:00 o'clock


Venue / Meeting point

55263 Wackernheim


Contact details

Wolfgang Thomas
Kultur- und Weinbotschafter Rheinhessen
55263 Wackernheim

Tel.: +49 6132 953315
Mail: wolfgang.thomas@kwb-rheinhessen.de

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