47 Vineyards

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The layer designation probably goes back to the old layer designation 1387 "at the rinhelden", which means "slope inclined to the Rhine". Hell indicates a slight departure. This is a hall designation which is often applicable in West Central Germany.

As always in Rheinhessen, this name comes from the southern position of the vineyards.

The layer designation is based on the adjacent castle Westerhaus.

The location was mentioned in a document in 1362 with the name "in the Steynacker".

This garden was originally owned by the Abbey of St. Maximin in Trier.

As always in Rheinhessen, this name comes from the southern position of the vineyards.

The vineyard is adjacent to the castle Westerhaus.

The location is on a hilltop (head) and is a favorite nesting site of ravens.

Maybe this is a nesting place for shore swallows.